New York Theatre Experience
King Lear - Lear - What Dreams May Co - Dir: Emily C.A. Snyder
The Tempest - Prospera - Hudson Shakespeare Company - Dir: Jon Ciccarelli
Love's Labour's Lost (First Quarto) - King Ferdinand - Bad Quarto Productions - Dir: Alex Daubertin
Oddity - Doctor - TransFest - Dir: Ariel Mahler
King Richard II - Queen/Aumerle - Hamlet Isn't Dead - Dir: Emily C.A. Snyder
Romeo & Juliet - Nurse/Montague/Apothecary - Hamlet Isn't Dead - Dir: David Andrew Laws
As You Like It - Celia/Audrey/Phebe/Adam - Folding Chair Classical Theatre - Dir: Marcus Geduld
Measure for Measure - Mariana/Ensemble - Hudson Warehouse - Dir: Nicholas Martin-Smith
Incongruence: A {Trans}Gender Looking Glass - Shannon/Mom - Ivy Theatre - Dir: Audrey Alford
Hamlet (First Quarto) - Gertred - Bad Quarto Productions - Dir: Tony Tambasco
Romeo & Juliet - Lady Montague/Apothecary - What Dreams May Co - Dir: Chris Rivera
Brokendown House - Sarah - Fresh Fruit Festival - Dir: Jordan Bean
Lovers - Cissy Cassidy - 11/15 Productions - Dir: Jessica McVay
Chicago Theatre Experience
Hamlet - Gertrude - Oracle Productions - Dir: Benno Nelson
Devour* - Jill, Barbara - 20% Theatre Chicago - Dir: Jacqueline Stone
Someone's Knocking - Gladys - Silver Lining Productions - Dir: Christopher Leonard
Down & Derby* - Joleen/Roleen Joleen - The New Colony - Dir: Thrisa Hodits
Fuddy Meers - Claire - Triton College - Dir: Linda Kravitz
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Egeus - Strangeloop Theatre - Dir: Holly Robison
Doubtful Abbey* - Pippa Fussworthy - GreenMan Theatre - Dir: Caroly Thomas-Davidoff
The Bad Seed: The Musical# - Leroy - Corn Productions - Dir: Robert Bouwman
Murphy's Law* - Lindsay - The Artistic Home - Dir: Heather Winter
Integrity* - Sandy - The Artistic Home - Dir: Katherine Swan
The Horror* - Set Designer - Corn Productions - Dir: Sara Kay Snyder
The Temp* - Mary - Hobo Junction - Dir: Christopher Jacobs
Real Aural Talent* - Simone Muran - Corn Productions - Dir: Thom Sigsby
The Aantsy Aardvark* - Tumbleweed - Corn Productions - Dir: Michael Brooks
Bleacher Bums - Rose - Stage Center Theatre - Dir: Christopher Leonard
Blithe Spirit - Madame Arcati^, Edith^ - First Folio Theatre - Dir: Alison C. Vesely
Floss!* - Hacamba, Kuku - Corn Productions - Dir: Michelle Thompson-Hay
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress - Frances - McLeod Theater - Dir: Noreen Barnes-McLain
Coyote* - Carolyn - Graylight Theater - Dir: Don Elwell
Angels in America: Part 1 - Prior 2, Woman - McLeod Theater - Dir: David Kranser
Myrtle's Magnificent Journey* - Doris, Prince Brilliant - McLeod Children's Tour - Dir: Brandon Belzer
*indicates original play - ^indicates understudy role - #Jeff Recommendation, After Dark Award Recipient
Film Experience
Hamlet: The Series - Hamlet (Lead) - Prod: Bob Koester - Dir: Bob Koester
Leftover Voices - Celia (Lead) - Prod: Leftover Voices - Dir: Shayna Weiss
Mix Tape - Zoe Sidell (Supporting) - Prod: CO2 Films - Dir: Jefferson Root
Red Windows - Woman (Supporting) - Prod: Productions - Dir: Anthony Barnett
Dancing with Gaia - Emily Laird (Ensemble) - Prod: Gravy Train Films - Dir: Matt Stratton
March April - Teddy's Mom (Supporting) - Prod: Multihead Productions - Dir: Collin Souter
Meaningful Gestures - Mom (Featured Extra) - Prod: Multihead Productions - Dir: Collin Souter
Numinata - Denise Linton (Supporting) - Prod: Viscosity Productions - Dir: Hannah Maximova
No Evil - Daphne Wright (Lead) - Prod: ECMC/Bob Koester - Dir: Bob Koester
Errands - Love (Lead) - Prod: TOE Productions - Dir: Devon Ford
The War's Over - Featured Dancer - Prod: American Film Institute - Dir: Catherine Welch
Television Experience
The Steve Levy Show - Featured Musical Guest - Prod: CAN-TV
Insecurities and Exchanges - Cheryl (Lead) - Prod: WSIU-TV
Web Series Experience
One Woman Shakespeare - Host, Director, Producer, Editor -
Bad Ally - Taryn (Supporting) -
Just a Fling - Host, Director, Producer, Editor -
B.A. in Theatre (performance and costuming) from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, May 1998, Summa Cum Laude
Acting - Dr. David Krasner, Alex Christopolous, Lori Merril-Fink, William Kincaid, Caitlin Hart, Kathy Scambiatterra, Mary Ann Thebus, Ed Krystosek, John Mossman
Voice and Movement - Alex Christopolous, Luis Crespo
Shakespeare - Susan Hart, Jeffrey Carlson, Alex Christopolous
Stage Combat - Brian LeTraunik
Special Skills
Member of Ivy Theatre Company 2015-2016 * Member of Corn Productions 2004-2008 * Founding member of comedy improv troupe (“the mintos junkies”) * Swing Dance instructor, Chicago-style Shag instructor, and Lindy Hopper extraordinaire * Other dance – tap, ballroom, ballet, jazz, modern * Musical Instruments – guitar (CDs & music videos available), ukulele, limited piano, violin, and clarinet * Puppetry (construction and operation) * Member, American Mensa, 2008- present * Experienced seamstress (costuming resume also available) * New York Driver’s License * Excellent vegan cookies